and Peely Wally matching websites for a Nail
Studio/ Airbrush Tanning Salon who wanted to be able to promote
both their services on-line separately but also jointly . It
is one website but with separate domain entries for each service.
At the time they knew nothing about the internet and now
they find that by promoting their web address almost exclusively they can cut out
much of the detail in their other promotion methods. Visit the
site(s) at www.get-nailed.co.uk
and www.peelywally.com

it 2 us needed a website to promote their gardening and
handyman services. along with a leaflet campaign the website had proved
very worthwhile. www.leaveit-2-us.co.uk


The Yellow Teapot Club wanted a website to help raise
their profile and give out more information on how to participate
and raise funds.

is a service that allows Clients to purchase Flashguard and
Driverguard driving License insurance. It allows the
purchase of the policies online and Finanswers commission is recorded automatically

Speedy Greyhounds wanted an online presence
and to be able to easily remotely regularly update the puppies
they have for sale. We also created the intro to reflect the
standard greyhound trap colours and lead them in as a running
introduction. Again we saw them through the domain registration
process and the promotion of the site to the search engines.
Although no longer trading you can still visit the site at www.speedygreyhounds.co.uk

no longer trading you can still visit the site at www.ceriascards.co.uk
A local artist who created handcrafted greetings cards needed a
website that customers could view and purchase her cards
online. The website mirrors the style and colours of the
card ranges produced to show their quality product to the best
effect. This site shows, where there are a limited number of
products, how by using PayPal buttons an inexpensive shopping cart
can be easily created,

When our Quantity Surveying parent company needed to upgrade their
website we were only too
happy to oblige. The site needed to include their current and past
projects to show off their experience , but in a format that can
be easily updated when new commissions come along www.mcleman.net

Mechanical Services - Engineering recruitment specialist not
only wanted to explain his services to the wider world, but also
to be able to update vacancies on the website with out
learning web site design! They
can through an online updating system update the site themselves as easily as sending an

Property Factors needed an updated website after
re-structuring. www.mcbridesproperty.co.uk

on Line is an internet database of UK Construction
Professionals, Contractors and Organisations whose existence is
almost entirely on line. Visit the site at www.construction-on-line.com

McGoogle - The
Scottish Search Engine!

It Might Come In
Handy one Day . Com
The opposite of Ebay and the
"sister" of McGoogle-

Flexible Education is an online
forum created to find the differing views in integrating
the education of disabled children in mainstream schools flexibleeducation
We have now done a number
of sites for Charitable organisations and urge you to contact us
for some very special rates based on your cause and ability
to pay, as we want to help put something back into our community
(- Is for example "For Nothing" still too much?)

Serenity - Mobile Beauty Therapy
Suzanne, a mobile beauty therapist wanted a site to
reflect the relaxing and pampering nature of her service. We think
we succeeded, however check it out for yourself by visiting www.mobileserenity.com

Our own
site done by us , naturally! - a bit gaudy but hey ! - we're out
to make an impact! Visit it at.....no, wait a minute, you are
already here!